ARE project is featured in New Scientist
Machines that can mate and produce offspring can help us clean up nuclear sites, explore asteroids and terraform distant planets – but could they prove
Matteo de Carlo at JoLEA
The lecture features PhD candidates Arkadiy Dushatskiy and Matteo de Carlo. Matteo talked about Better Understand Complex Artificial Encodings with Heritability.
Jie Luo and Fuda van Diggelen at JoLEA
The lecture features PhD candidates Jie Luo and Fuda van Diggelen, who work on Evolutionary Robotics.
Swarm Robotics Article on Tweakers
Jakub Tomczak at GenU 2021
Jakub Tomczak gave a talk on deep generative models as GenU2021
Guszti Eiben in NPO2 special over “Robot Evolutie”.
Robot babies are smarter than their ‘parents’ newspaper article
Anil Yaman talks about AI and its implications to science
the talk: “An introduction to AI and its implications to science, engineering and society”, organized by Art + Technology Society, at Innovation Café Eindhoven, Eindhoven/the Netherlands.